AI-Powered Digital Vehicle Inspections

Our technology for evaluating vehicle damage is used by several key players in the automotive field

We specialize in six key use cases within the automotive aftermarket sector.

Vehicle Leasing

Supply Chain Management

Sellers & Repair Facilities

Vehicle Rental Inspection

Pre-Loved Cars

Rebuilt Cars

We offer two distinct inspection systems tailored for the automotive industry.

Our damage detection APIs are integrated with both inspection systems.


Record a 360° video or take 8-10 photos of a vehicle with your smartphone for AI-driven evaluation.

Permanent Installation

Record videos or take photos of the vehicle using a stationary camera.

AI Review Case Studies

Case Study 1

Record a 360° video or take 8-10 photos of a vehicle with your smartphone, then utilize AI-driven analysis for assessment

Case Study 2

Use your smartphone to capture a 360° video or 8-10 photos of a vehicle, and let AI-powered evaluation handle the assessment.